Creativity in Education to Promote Peace.
There can never be enough creativity in the schooling of our children. Education is a key ingredient in improving society and world peace: in our own homes, cities, and around the globe.
It is imperative that creative approaches to education are supported as domestic and international programs undergo improvement. Limiting creativity in education through the arts, culture, and foreign language initiatives hinders the development of each student as a contributing member of global society. Successful education programs can guide the growth of our children as individuals, improve the development of families for future generations, and impact the evolution of entire societies. It is essential that we prepare our children for a global and interconnected world and that the ability to communicate across diverse worlds enables them to promote peace worldwide.
Following years of work in the international fashion industry as a model, stylist, and businesswoman, I accepted a position in a government fellowship in education in an inner city district. Over several years, I have been fortunate to learn about the complex field and the government initiatives in place for children and families in the United States through work as an educator and social entrepreneur in Long Branch, New Jersey. Given the recent education reform movement in the United States, news issues of tolerance between East and West, and constant stream of news on conflicts worldwide; I feel lucky to have my own hands on experiences to share from the field in the United States education system alongside the unparalleled global exposure one gains from work as an international fashion model. Click to Read More